Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Mr. Davis was my favorite teacher ever!! Except for Mrs. Sandusky!!! He was a sub for a couple months because our other teacher Mrs.Kelley had something wrong with her teacher license or something. So the day Mr. Davis had to leave all of us 7th and 8th graders paid for a Build-a-Bear that looked like him! It was awesome! We all really miss him though.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This years Halloween...

THis year Halloween was... ok lol i guess. I dont like Halloween anymore! tramatized two years ago. Yes I told you guys. When the guys decided to chase me down the street with a chain-saw!! So on Saturday I trick or treated for 15 or 10 minutes, then I came home and watched the World Series and texted my best friend Zeke. So it was a good day!! lol.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Moon

I'm SO excited for New Moon!!! It's going to be amazing!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My favorite singing of all time!!! XD!!

Ok...so as you all know, I am a very big fan of David Archuleta, and you all might of guessed that I was freaaking out. I was freaking out, here is what my mom said about it " We are not getting any Christmas CD's til' Thanksgiving is over." So I'm kinda wanting Thanksgiving to be over, so I can get that CD!! lol.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Long time no see!

Hey guys sorry I haven't bloged in a while. School is ok, today we just found out that Sonoran Heights is number one in the district!!!!! :D! I'm proud of my school! But anyway... I FINALLY got a twitter. My friends and family are good to. Talk to ya guys soon! Gotta go to piano lessons!

Monday, August 24, 2009

FREEDOM!!!!!!! XD! ( look side ways)

hey! ok so I got my braces off. And yes freedom is sweet. Just until I have to get a retainer on Wednseday. Oh ya and when I was picking out what kind of designs I want on it I saw a CTR one (O.o) I wonder if Dr. Mike and his wife is LDS. Hmmm.... I'll find out soon.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Ok... so you guys have heard of the brain buster my mom said I asked right? Well, I got the riddle off one of my favorite TV shows iCarly. I just wanted to see what people would say. Ok, let me repeat the brain buster:

A cowboy rides into town on Friday.He stays there for three days. then he rides home on friday how did he do it?
Just comment on this picture and then soon I'll post the answer. Good Luck!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Oh yeah I love Olive Garden.

My mistake

he he...ya that one was me. What?
how was I suppose to that I couldn't put
dishwashing liquid in there.
I didn't know there was a difference.lol.