Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Mr. Davis was my favorite teacher ever!! Except for Mrs. Sandusky!!! He was a sub for a couple months because our other teacher Mrs.Kelley had something wrong with her teacher license or something. So the day Mr. Davis had to leave all of us 7th and 8th graders paid for a Build-a-Bear that looked like him! It was awesome! We all really miss him though.

Monday, November 2, 2009

This years Halloween...

THis year Halloween was... ok lol i guess. I dont like Halloween anymore! tramatized two years ago. Yes I told you guys. When the guys decided to chase me down the street with a chain-saw!! So on Saturday I trick or treated for 15 or 10 minutes, then I came home and watched the World Series and texted my best friend Zeke. So it was a good day!! lol.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Moon

I'm SO excited for New Moon!!! It's going to be amazing!